This statement is made as a result of the enactment of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 which requires each of Lions Gate International (UK) Limited and Lions Gate International Media Limited (each being the “Company” and together referred to as “Lionsgate UK”) to make a statement of the steps Lionsgate UK has taken during this financial year to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of its supply chains nor in any part of its business.

Lions Gate International (UK) Limited is a private limited company, incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 08936180.

Lions Gate International Media Limited is a private limited company, incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 10486810.

The registered office for each Company is 5th Floor, 45 Mortimer Street, London W1W 8HJ.

Lionsgate UK’s Business

Lionsgate UK, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is the diversified UK-based filmed entertainment arm of Lions Gate Entertainment Corporation (NYSE:LGF) (“Lionsgate Corp”), a premier next-generation global content leader with a varied presence in motion picture production and distribution, television programming and syndication, home entertainment, international distribution and sales, branded channel platforms, location-based entertainment, interactive ventures and games. Redbus Film Distribution Limited was acquired by Lionsgate Corp in October 2005 and Lionsgate UK, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, has since established a reputation in the United Kingdom (“UK”) as a leading producer, distributor and acquirer of commercially successful and critically acclaimed content. Lionsgate UK also has a recognised television business through its own UK television production division and its collaborations with UK and Irish production companies (Deadpan/Northern Lights); (Little Door/The Pact) and UK television broadcasters such as Channel 4 and BBC.

Goods, Services and Supply Chains

Lionsgate UK is committed to acting ethically, inclusively and with integrity and in respect of diversity in all its business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere in its own businesses or those of its suppliers of goods and services (the “Services”). Lionsgate UK’s Services supply chain includes the development, production, financing and acquisition of intellectual property rights

and related ranges of marketing materials and promotional assets, and the licensing,

Lionsgate UK does not tolerate modern slavery and human trafficking and fully supports the principles and aims of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Lionsgate UK will not permit modern slavery or human trafficking activities within its organisation, nor will it knowingly support or deal with any third party or other business involved in modern slavery or human trafficking activities within the Services and/or anywhere in its supply chain.

The Services utilised by Lionsgate UK are mainly office based and it considers the supply chain for Services utilised to be very low risk in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking. Lionsgate UK strives to do business with third parties who share its values and, where appropriate, builds long-term relationships with key suppliers, who are required to observe all local laws and regulations, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and has wording to this effect in relevant supplier contracts.

Lionsgate UK undertakes due diligence when dealing with suppliers and third parties, and although Lionsgate UK considers its supply chains to be very low risk, it is and will remain vigilant and alert to the risks, however small, of modern slavery and human trafficking activities occurring in its supply chains.

Training of Staff

Lionsgate UK recognises and respects all applicable employment laws and raises awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking amongst its employees by drawing their attention to the forms that modern slavery and human trafficking can take. Lionsgate UK provides employees and management with training on a range of compliance matters and has created additional training slides which have been rolled out to all employees to make them aware of Lionsgate UK’s obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Ensuring effectiveness

Lionsgate UK has an ongoing and open line of communication with its suppliers so that it is possible for Lionsgate UK to take steps to check that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any of its supply chains in respect of the Services.

Lionsgate UK’s directors and senior management are responsible for implementing Lionsgate UK’s policy in respect of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy”). In addition, employees are encouraged to report any concerns they may have to the directors and senior management, or employees can use Lionsgate UK’s whistleblowing procedure, as detailed in the Employee Handbook, to report any such concerns.

Our actions in the past financial year and looking ahead

In 2023/24, Lionsgate UK undertook the following actions:

Reviewed practices and supply chains to ensure business remained low risk and alert to any small risks.

distribution and exploitation of those rights by third parties within the UK and


Reviewed reporting and whistleblowing processes to ensure these remain fit for purpose.

Continued to review and update employee handbook as necessary; and

continued to develop diverse and inclusive directives.

Looking ahead to the next 12 months:

Continue to review all supplier/third-party agreements to ensure all necessary provisions are taken;

Continue to review internal reporting and whistleblowing processes to ensure these remain fit for purpose.

Board approval 

This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors on 30 June 2024 and will be reviewed annually.

Andrew Clary
